
welcome to softcp


welcome to softcp!

what is softcp:

soft computer program known as softcp which creates most popular computer programs and give it to people for free!


in this site, all programs are trusted

so choose one of them you need and download it

how to download a porgram:

go to all apps page and download a program that you need

100% FOR FREE!!!

our products are the most popular programs such as web crawlers to face detection apps

to make our products & company better you can help us with payment page


cannot find your app? REQUEST TO CREATE IT

you can request us to make a program for you

BUT WAIT! these customized programs are not 100% for free, you have to pay for it

how can i request to create a program:

EASY! just message to that you want a customized program


how much do i have to pay for customized program:

we cannot tell you RIGHT NOW, its about what program do you want?

for example if you want a program that recognize faces, it's in the range about 50 هزار تومان to 200 هزار تومان


any idea? question? bug? problem?

just write it in our discussions page


password changer

this program cost: free


for more information and download, click on the more information & download button

folder hider/unhider

this pogram cost: free


for more information and download, click on the more information & download button

want more apps?click down here

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